Christmas has become one more reason busy moms are overwhelmed, overweight, and drowning in debt. It’s sad, but certainly true for most of us.
Every Christmas, moms everywhere over extend themselves in an attempt to create the perfect holiday experience for their families. Trying to please everyone, we work ourselves into a frenzy stressing over the perfect gifts to buy, treats to bake, and parties to host and attend. That’s when we’re usually left with a depleted bank account and let down that we didn’t do a better job celebrating the season with our families because we somehow missed the whole thing.
Sound familiar? It was my life as a busy mom for many Christmases. That is, until I made the choice to take back Christmas. With just a little prep work and planning ahead I figured out a way to simplify Christmas while keeping our family traditions. Now, we celebrate the reason for the season in a way that best suits our family.
The Ultimate Christmas Planner includes everything you need this year to celebrate with your family and friends. With these instant downloadable pages, you can simplify your holiday planning and keep your Christmas season stress-free. By taking some time now before the holidays to plan, you’ll save time, money, and your sanity! Go ahead and grab your Ultimate Christmas Planner and make this year your best Christmas yet.
The Ultimate Christmas Planner 2020 NOW Available!
Your Ultimate Christmas Planner includes:
Christmas Planner Cover Page
Christmas Budget Worksheet
Gift Planner
Black Friday Plan
Cyber Monday Plan
Christmas Card List
Holiday Projects Plan
Christmas Decor Checklist
Holiday Baking Plan
Christmas Menu Worksheet
Blank Recipe Cards
Holiday To Do List
Christmas Bucket List
Dear Santa Letter Template
Christmas Gift Tags

Make THIS Christmas your best one yet!
Get organized now and celebrate Christmas the way you're meant to: making everlasting memories with your family and friends, enjoying the holiday traditions you love, and celebrating the reason for the season in a way that best suits you and your family. Are you ready for a stress-free Christmas? Don't wait! Let's get started right now!