Need ideas for Advent readings? Here are some Advent devotionals and other activities to share with your family this year.
Ever since the boys were toddlers, we’ve tried to share with them the purpose of Christmas and teach them the true meaning of why we celebrate. At first, our attempts were pretty much just pulling out our small kid-friendly Nativity set and letting the boys play with the pieces as we told the story.
On Christmas Eve, we would read the simplest version of Luke 2 we could find and have one of the boys place baby Jesus in the manger. Then we would sing “Happy Birthday” and blow out candles on the cupcakes we had decorated earlier to celebrate the occasion.
We even used interactive picture books, like Follow the Star, and any other fun puzzles or activities we could find to help the kids understand the message of Christmas as early as possible.
As the boys grew older and could really grasp what we were teaching, we began using an Advent wreath. We would light the candles, read Scripture, and then the boys would choose a special family to pray for, based on one of the Christmas cards we had already began receiving in the mail.
We still enjoy lighting our Advent candles and praying for those who send us Christmas greetings, but through the years, we’ve also incorporated other devotionals and resources to celebrate Advent in a way that would be most meaningful for us. Here are some of the resources we’ve used for Advent readings and a few Advent devotionals you may want to use with your family or even on your own.
Focus on the Family Christmas Devotionals
Focus on the Family always offers great resources during Advent. There’s even a free one offered on their website each year with all sorts of activities to help parents share the meaning of Christmas with their kids throughout the season.
Truth in the Tinsel
Truth in the Tinsel is another kid-friendly favorite. It’s an ebook you can download immediately to use with your family with 24 days of Scripture readings and even fun crafts for the kids to make, too.
The Purpose of Christmas
I picked up The Purpose of Christmas a few years ago to use on my own, but then I bought the DVD and workbook so we could use it during Advent as a family for more of a group discussion. It’s really a simple introduction to the purpose of Christmas, but it’s great to use with your family to spark discussion about how to celebrate Christmas and what Christmas really means to each of us on a personal level.
Advent Readings Calendar
If you’re looking for something simple that you can use throughout the Advent season, I’ve created an Advent Readings Calendar taking many of the Bible verses we use during Christmas. The calendar divides up longer passages so that you can take more time each night to discuss the meaning with your family. That way, you can focus on each idea within the passage and really spend some time on those words and phrases that seem to pop from the page. It’s also important to note that the calendar is not based on a specific month or year. Just start with day one on the first official date of Advent and work through the passages up until Christmas Day.
Print a copy of the Free Advent Readings Calendar Here
Whatever you decide, just enjoy the time with your family. Jesus is the reason for the season. We have the awesome privilege to celebrate His love for us all year long.
Advent Readings and Devotionals for the Whole Family Click To Tweet
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