The miracles of Jesus were birthed in simplicity.
Stretch out your hand.
Let down your nets for a catch.
Arise, take up your bed, and go home.
No waving of the wand. No potions or wiggled noses. Just simple statements to those who came with a need.
My life is consumed by complexities.
I read between the lines, imagine my own scenarios, and create for myself plenty of distractions–all in the name of self-preservation–as if I am somehow in control of it all and can fight every battle on my own.
That’s when I find myself wounded with worry and regret, all because I’ve tried to conjure up my own triumphs to blaze a trail I was never meant for, rather than grab hold to the simple Truth God had already provided.
I want the miraculous.
For me, I want God’s voice to thunder detailed instructions across the darkened sky or reveal Himself as I want to see Him, during those long, lonely nights when I’m begging for something to change so that I can be certain that I’m moving in the direction I’m supposed to go.
Miracles have such humble beginnings and within its simplicity, I often lose heart too soon and go home.
Yet, the miracle is found within His reality.
We simply release its opportunity when we yield in faith and obey.
Faith? Works? They are one in the same. Woven together as we step out and respond.As we trust, we obey.
The greatest miracle was a simple response to the offer, Follow Me–where ordinary men left everything, turned toward Jesus, and blazed their own trail.
The miracle is within His offer, Follow Me-release its opportunity and blaze a trail. Click To TweetFollow Me. It’s still the same offer to the ordinary.
Will we release its opportunity and blaze a trail?
“Yet, the miracle is found within His reality.” There’s the rub. I hear you, Mitzi! I too often have my eyes peeled from something spectacular, but it’s the day in, day out steps of faith that really are miraculous. He works in that. Loved so much of this- all truth. Glad I stopped in from TWW! God bless your day!
Thanks for stopping by! and you are right–He works the miraculous within the day in /day out steps of faith–I’m holding on to it
Beautifully said.
Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday. God bless!
Love linking up–great encouragement–thanks, Jenifer
You absolutely “nailed” this. It’s all in the walking it out…great post.
thanks, Susan 🙂
hmmm ..
blazing a trail as I photo post my journey thru Lent
blazing a trail as I fight injustice and abuse of the elderly in the public eye
blazing a trail as I mother and grandmother the 1st member of a new generation of family =)
[and is he ever sweet!]
great challenge! blessings on your blazing!
thanks, Sharon–thanks for stopping by today-we all need the challenge and each other’s encouragement 🙂
Some of the most miraculous things in my life have been the small ones. It amazes me that he would orchestrate events such that just the right song is on the radio when I start the car. Or just the right post I should read at the exact moment I need those words. Like this one, Mitzi. Thank you!
“Yet, the miracle is found within His reality.”
“The miracle is found within His offer…”
I ponder this and wonder, why would we not follow Him?
I’m following, but have I really given up everything to follow Him?
It’s good to see you again at TWW.
Thanks for linking up, Mitzi.