As a school teacher my students enjoyed geode exploration. Though all the dull, gray rocks appeared the same on the outside, once broken, the students would discover beautiful crystal formations hidden within; each containing a unique blend of colors and patterns.
While the classroom filled with the sound of banging hammers, there was always one kid who refused to break open his rock.
I’ve often wondered what happened to those left unbroken. Were they accidentally dropped somewhere between home and the bustling bus ride? Did they make it home only to sit on a shelf somewhere forgotten?
Hammered Rock
We, too, are created as geodes where God has hidden His beautiful design. Often we resist His breaking, hoping to avoid the pain that may accompany our brokenness. In reality, we live in a broken world where disappointments and suffering are inevitable.
However, we can’t begin to imagine all the beautiful blessings that await us beneath the breaking of our hard surfaces. Each day, as we allow God to chisel away our sinful nature, He perfects us into His masterpiece, transforming us into the people He designed for us to be.
When Broken Bones Rejoice
“Make me hear joy and gladness, That the bones You have broken may rejoice.” Psalm 51:8
Though often painful, brokenness replaces our selfishness with sacrifice and our fears into courageous living. Sometimes we find ourselves like my former students; holding on tight to keep life as we know it secure. All the while life’s greatest treasure remains locked away buried beneath the hard dull layer that could so easily be hammered away.
Our greatest desire can only be satisfied by our Creator. [tweetable]
Our greatest need can only be fulfilled in Him.
“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10
What about you?
Have you experienced shattering circumstances?
What has God revealed within your broken places?
Share your comments.
Today, I’m linking up @SimplyBeth for Three Word Wednesday. What are your 3 words this Wednesday?
Hi Mitzi! I love the image of the one kid who won’t break the rocks. There is always something I don’t want to do either, because I think it will hurt me. Oh yes, I’ve had bad circumstances, like when my Mom died. She found out about the cancer, and was gone in three weeks. It was so shocking and sad. Definitely a broken time for me.
But God is a healer, and he wants me to rejoice that she is free, and with him!
Nice to meet you today! From Three Word Wednesday,
I can’t imagine your brokenness and shock during such a painful experience. Like you, I’m so thankful for God’s healing and the joy He gives within His freedom. Happy to meet you! thanks, Ceil
Thank you for these 3 words. I needed this reminder today. I am visiting from 3 Word Wed. 🙂
thanks for stopping by, Joanne!
Mitzi, I’m so grateful you linked up. This is BEAUTIFUL! It touched my heart in so many ways. Those words from Psalm 51:8…I may have read before but they have spoken to me in a new way through your words. I’m so blessed by this and thankful for how God has and continues to chisel away my sinful nature and transforms me in to who he created me to be. Thank you!! May your day be filled with His blessings.
Beth, I love how the same verse can shed new meaning, according to our experiences and where God is leading us at the time. Thanks for allowing me to share with your readers @ SimplyBeth and for stopping by to share with us!
I love your three words, Mitzi. And I love Beth’s idea for the link-up!
I think the greatest thing God reveals in our brokenness is our desperate need for Him. I’ve seen it in my friends and also in myself — the days we plod through and the seasons we wish would end. And all the times we think (we KNOW) we don’t have the strength to continue on, and then He shows up and carries us. He is GOOD
I agree, Susan. Within my own brokenness is where I’ve been able to realize His unfailing love for me and the powerful movement He continues within my life. and yes! love Beth’s link-up–it’s such a great idea 🙂
Mitzi, this is beautiful. I have found that with each trial I have faced, I become more keenly aware of the hand of God all around me in every day experiences. I also now know he his working during difficulty times whereas in the past, I only hoped he was working. His faithfulness to remake me through the breaking process gives each new trial a more grand meaning. When I face a trial, I know God is at work so I can even anticipate the outcome with joy because i know it is for my good, and he is using it for his glory.
Well-said, Stephani–and I think ‘more keenly aware’ sums it up for me. It’s an awareness, like an awakening as I realize His faithfulness. thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
This is such an encouraging post. I loved I Peter 5:10. 🙂
Stopping by from Beth’s today.
thanks, Lyli! hope you’ll stop by and join our conversation again, soon 🙂
Thank you for this post. I had forgotten about that verse in Psalms. It’s only through the breaking that the beauty can be seen! Blessings!
thanks, Barbie!