I am OVER – THE – MOON this morning to announce that my eBook, Dinner Games: serving up conversation and family fun, is on sale now!
If you’ve been a part of the Written Reality neighborhood for long, then you already know how passionate I am about all things family. Writing the book is an extension of those passions.
As a busy mom on the go, I often struggled with balance and time management while raising a family. As a Christian mom, I wanted to teach biblical principles, strengthen my family roots, and open the doors of communication with my boys. This book shares how I’ve been able to accomplish those things through everyday moments.
Dinner Games eBook is on Sale Now!
Dinner Games shares my own tips and ideas for setting aside dinnertime to create lasting memories.
All games are easily varied to accommodate interests and age appropriateness with printables and extra resources to take your regular mealtime to an exciting hour of family fun.
Game variations are divided into:
-easy to play for anytime and anywhere
-Bible verse games
-and games with a few extra props to personalize your family favorites
Grab the book today
If you get a chance, hop over and download your own copy:
Dinner Games: Serving Up Conversation and Family Fun
Don’t miss out on these easy ways to strengthen your family. You can create lasting memories within everyday moments.
Set the table, choose the game, and have some family fun!
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Cool! Congrats!!
Hi Mitzi – Congratulations! This is so exciting. When our boys were young I noticed that dinner time was always more fun when we had a little game to play or jokes to share or fun questions to ask and answer. I’m so happy you’ve written a book on this topic. I will definitely share it on social media.
Thanks for your new book. I look forward to sharing it with my adult children with young families of their own.
Congratulations on becoming a published author! I’m looking forward to dinner games when my kiddos are a bit older, and I’ll have your book ready and waiting.
This book looks great. I pinned for later 🙂
Congratulations! That is a terrific idea!
Oh that is awesome! Congrats on the new book it’s so exciting! ♥ I don’t have a family yet but this is still wonderful for the future.
thanks, Renee!
OH, how I wish that I had had your book when my kids were still living at home.
I’ll be sure to send the link to my grown children, so they can share with their kids.
thanks! We love the games–our time together around the table is still our favorite part of the day 🙂
G’day! Always great when the family can do things together these days!
Stopping by via The Ultimate Linky!
Cheers! Joanne @What’s On The List