How To Freeze Peaches : Learning how to freeze peaches is so easy! And with this simple recipe, you’ll be able to enjoy the sweetest peaches all year long.
How To Freeze Peaches
One afternoon last week, I mentioned to my husband that I had a craving for some peaches.
That’s all it took.
Within 10 minutes, we were headed down the highway toward Edgefield County where we knew we’d find plenty of the sweet southern fruit. After all, Johnston is the Peach Capital of the World, so you’re sure to find peaches in every little town along the way.
This time, though, we headed down Hwy 25 to Trenton. It’s not that far from us and there’s a couple of favorite fruit and vegetable stands nearby, like Sara’s Fresh Market and Cook’s Farm. Both stands have an awesome selection of fruits, vegetables, local honey, and wonderful homemade dressings and relish.
Check out our delicious Peach Delight recipe, too!
South Carolina Peaches
I don’t know anything about other peaches, but the ones we grow in South Carolina are the big juicy variety. So it doesn’t take but one or two to fill a pie pastry or to create something spectacular.
For me, peaches spell summer. Just the smell sends me to childhood summers riding my bike down the dirt roads around my house or swinging on the tire Daddy roped around our backyard tree.
That’s why I always buy plenty of summer peaches and freeze them for later. That way, I can easily bake cobblers or use them for a sweet fruit topping all year long.
How to Freeze Peaches
To freeze a South Carolina peach is simple. They’re large enough to easily handle for peeling and slicing, and well, so delicious that no matter how you slice and dice them, you can’t go wrong.
It only takes 3 things to preserve their sweet, delicious flavor: ripened South Carolina peaches, sugar, and a freezer bag.
That’s it. It’s just that easy.
Freezer Peaches by the Portion
The Freezer Peaches recipe I’ve included at the bottom of this post is based on the portion I usually use for baking.
I like to freeze my peaches in quart size freezer bags with about 3 cups of peaches each.
This seems to be just the right amount for my recipes and how I like to use them throughout the year. But feel free to freeze more or less to make it easier for stacking in your own freezer or for the recipes you’d like to create.
What about you?
How do you like your peaches? Share your recipe ideas with us!
Other recipes you may enjoy:

- ripened peaches, peeled and sliced
- sugar
- quart size freezer bags
- Place one cup of peaches in bag.
- Add 2 Tablespoons of sugar.
- Repeat by adding peaches and sugar until bag is full.
- Seal and keep at room temperature for 15 - 20 minutes.
- Date the freezer bag with permanent marker.
- Place in freezer-- enjoy all year long!
I did with when I went to visit my mom in colorado one summer. We did over 50 bags of peaches. I use to get them out of the freeze when I make pancakes. My kids like them way more than syrup.