Looking for ways to build math skills easily? Use picture books to get kids excited about math! Here are some favorite math pictures books kids will love.
As a kid, math was my weakest subject. I had trouble understanding mathematical concepts and the word problems made me want to pull out my hair. My own numerical frustrations is the reason I used picture books when I taught math. The books were great for introducing new topics and helped the students link the math concepts with everyday situations to make those connections within their own lives every day.
Math Picture Books Make MATH Easy
I wish I’d had a few of these picture books when I was in elementary school. Through story, the concepts are more relatable. Even now when I read them, I have a few a-ha! moments of my own.
Here are some of my favorite math picture books that my students enjoyed.
The Grapes of Math by Greg Tang
The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns
Sir Cumference and the First Round Table by Cindy Neuschwander
How Much Is A Million? by David Schwartz
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! by Marilyn Burns
Multiplying Menace by Pam Calvert
A Remainder of One by Elinor J. Pinczes
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