How to declutter your home quickly : Overwhelmed by all the stuff you’re hanging on to? Here’s help to declutter your home quickly. You can easily get started with this simple list of 20 things you should throw out today.
A cluttered home can drive us crazy. When our house becomes a cluttered storage unit, we can easily feel overwhelmed and frustrated by all our things. Don’t let your pileups hold you back from what you hope to accomplish.
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How To Declutter Your Home Quickly
Here’s a quick list of easy ways to declutter your home and breathe easier. Start sweeping through all that clutter and get rid of all that junk you’re holding onto today.
20 Things You Should Throw Out Today
1. Unworn Clothes
If you are still hanging on to your favorite jeans from high school, I am sorry.
Chances are, they don’t fit. They won’t come back in style, either.
Keep to the 2 year rule: If you haven’t worn it in 2 years then it’s not worth taking up your closet space. Donate if still wearable and if worn and stained, throw it out.
>>Check out The Surprising Truth About the KonMari Method for more decluttering.<<
2. Coat Hangers
Why do we feel the need to hold onto 50 extra clothes hangers when we can’t possibly–and shouldn’t–use them?
3. Socks with No Partner
Take 5 minutes and go through your sock drawer. Throw out all socks with holes and those who’ve lost their partners, too.
4. Yucky Shoes
Those ugly, nasty sneakers are smelling up the closet and stealing valuable space. Toss them.
5. Old Paint
We all keep a little extra paint for touchups. The problem is, after time on the wall, paint color fades a bit, so if it’s been painted that same color for quite some time, then the paint won’t match anyway. You have permission to toss it, too.
6. Old Makeup
I know. Makeup is expensive. However, makeup has a lifespan and can actually be harmful when it’s old. Stay safe and toss your old makeup.
7. Tacky Nail Polish
I’m not talking about tacky as in how it coordinates with your outfit–although that should probably be considered. 🙂
Though there are a few tricks to extend the life of your nail polish, once it becomes gooey, it’s time for it to go.
8. Expired Medicines and Vitamins
9. Most Everything In Your Junk Drawer
Do you really need 100 extra pens and pencils? Most of what’s in your junk drawer is, well, junk. Toss it and use the drawer for something more productive.
10. Old Toothbrush
Gross. Just toss it.
11. Unread Books
You won’t read it. Donate to someone who will.
12. Old Electronics
13. Magazines
14. Old Paperwork
15. Toys
Toss any toys that are broken and donate any other toys your kids have outgrown.
16. Old Spices
17. Dish Sponge
18. Chipped Dishes
19. Yucky Dish Towels
20. Expired Food
What about you? Holding on to some things you need to throw out? Today, I’m giving you permission. Toss it and make room in your life for better things.
20 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW Click To Tweet
I’ve been doing this as I get our home ready to sell this summer, and you had a few things on the list I had forgotten about. Love the graphic.
These are such cute ideas, and you present them so well. If only I could get motivated to get up and go do it! and I plead guilty on “expired food.” When I clean my pantry, i swear it was sold to me beyond that expired date!
Great article. I love Ruth’s book on this topic as well 🙂
I’ve also come across expired food. It was usually something i bought on sale because it was a good deal and i thought it would be good to stockpile….total waste of money!