Are you an overworked mom who needs a timeout? Check out this mom inspiration. It’s encouragement for moms we all need to remember.
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How can the most beautiful opportunity be the most terrifying and exhausting responsibility?
Regardless of how many kids you have or even how old they are, moms everywhere fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their families.
We’re moms. It’s what we do. We clean the toilet, fold the laundry, cook the food, and chauffeur our crew all across town.
For some, there’s no other option. We’re single moms just trying to keep from drowning in our ocean of responsibilities.
For others, we’re stay at home moms who feel guilty allowing our hard-working spouse to help us, or moms working outside the home clinging to her household duties in an attempt to hold on to the only part of themselves that seems to resemble what motherhood looks like to everyone else.
Yet, regardless of our situation as mothers, we all fall for the same lies over and over, and suffer their consequences that keep us from enjoying the beautiful life motherhood was created to be.
Check out these 5 Lies All Moms Tell Click To Tweet
5 Lies All Moms Tell
1. I must do it all myself.
It’s not about doing it all and certainly not doing it all on your own. Allow family members to pitch in around the house, relinquish a few responsibilities, or ask another mom to help and work together to share the load.
We can’t do it all. It’s impossible. And perfection is overrated, so let’s overlook lumpy bed covers and less than perfect folded clothes.
Overworked Mom: Give yourself a break. Embrace motherhood as it is right now in this moment and celebrate your accomplishments. As for the rest of it? Let it go.
God’s love is ever-reaching. You are not alone.
2. There’s always tomorrow.
How many of us fall for the “do it tomorrow” mentality? We set goals for ourselves to reach later and promise ourselves we’ll spend time with the kids tomorrow when our to-do list is finally complete.
The problem is, our to-do list keeps getting longer and our kids grow up and leave home.
Busy Mom: Take time today for what matters. Grab hold to those little ones, enjoy the moments, and hold tight.
3. All the other moms are doing it.
Here’s a secret: None of us know what we’re doing.
As moms, we’re all trying to figure out parenting as we go about it. None of us are doing it right, according to everyone else. And all of us are judging the other on everything from the use of pacifiers to the best method for teaching their own kid how to read and write.
Confused Mom: Disregard what other moms are doing and use your own experiences to decide what works best for your family and yourself.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Theodore Roosevelt
4. My kids are missing out.
Mommy guilt is an epidemic. Working moms are criticized for working, and stay at home moms are criticized for staying home. Even worse, we fall for it. So whatever we choose is compared to something we deem better, until we convince ourselves that our kids are somehow missing out.
Guilt-ridden Mama: The grass will always be greener from another’s perspective. Tend your own pasture and enjoy it. It’s the one your kids will fondly remember as home.
5. I’m a failure
The truth is, there’s always room for improvement. We all make a mess of it from time to time. But that’s the beauty of parenting. Our kids are always watching how we respond to our own experiences and they learn some of life’s most valuable lessons by watching us recover from our own mistakes.
Encouragement for Moms
Overwhelmed Mama: You’re perfectly equipped for your family. Let go of past mistakes and celebrate today’s accomplishments. We’re in this together. And with a great mom like you, the world is a more beautiful place.
This is such a great post!
sINCE BECOMING SICK A FEW YEARS AGO i HAVE HAD TO LEARN TO LET THINGS GO. sO, THERE WILL BE DUST, THE FLOors probably need vacuumed, there is always dishes and laundry, but my family knows that I love them and that i am doing the best i can. they actually accept this more than i do, and they are so good about helping. no one can do it all, love comes first, right?
When I type in my comment it shows all caps, so my comment above looks a bit crazy. I am ok, really, just looks that way! LOL!
Thank you for this! I was just thinking today about all the things I want to do, gotta keep the house clean, child happy, family fed… It’s just too much for one person!
Such great advice. My older kids are gRown and now having their own kids. I hope my daughter aNd daughTer in law are able to embRace thEse principles. Being a mom is the hardesT and most rewarding job a woman can have. And lucky me i get to finish raising our youngest and enjoy my New grandbabies.