Save money on back to school shopping with this school wardrobe checklist. It’s a free printable checklist to get your kids dressed and ready for back to school.
School Shopping Basics Checklist
As a mom, I enjoy buying clothes for the kids even better than buying my own. Kid clothes come in just as many trendy variations as adult versions, and can be lots of fun to mix and match to create all sorts of great looks for our little ones.
That’s why Back to School shopping can be a problem. As a mom on a budget, I must control my urge to splurge.
This year I’ve prepared myself for the big event by creating a Back to School Checklist. It provides space to list the basics my kids already have in the closet, so that when I do go shopping I know exactly what I’m looking for.
First Take Inventory
Before heading to the store, take the time to go through your child’s closet to see what you already have available. An afternoon rummaging through the closet will give you a better idea of what items can be mixed and matched with others and what items are really needed for back to school.
Here’s a great post for how to Build a Back to School Wardrobe for Less! It includes the steps to building a great kid’s wardrobe and lists the basic needs for the closet, too.
Splurge on Shoes
While I’m all for saving anywhere I can, shoes are where I choose to invest. Unlike the other tops and bottoms in your child’s closet, the shoes will be worn more often.
Invest in a good pair of shoes with great support with a little room for your child’s feet to grow.
Consult the School Calendar
The Back to School Wardrobe Checklist also includes space for special events. Before shopping, check your school calendar for special school events, like Picture Day or School Spirit Week.
That way, when you see that t-shirt with your child’s school colors or that picture perfect polo, you can go ahead and buy them. Then, mark those items ready on the calendar so you don’t forget.
I have boys, but the checklist easily applies to a girl’s back to school wardrobe, too. In fact, it would probably be even more helpful since there are so many choices in the girls department. This list can help you narrow it down to the basics, so you can better decide where to spend any extra on those trendy trinkets or that fabulous new blouse.
My List of Back to School Basics:
Print and Save
So here’s the printable to make it easier: BACK TO SCHOOL WARDROBE CHECKLIST. Use this handy checklist for your back to school shopping to save time and money and ready your child for another school year of success.
Mitzi, this is a terrific way to get ready for the new school year. I will pass it on to my daughter. I’m hopping over from the frugal crafty home blog hop. Hugs!
thanks, Katherine! I love starting early and being prepared 🙂
So many times I need to use this checklist for me when I think I need to go shop– take an inventory of your clothes currently! Thanks so much for sharing on Merry Monday! -Treana @