Check out these free Valentine card printables. Just click, print, and attach to your favorite Valentine trinkets.
As a kid, one of my favorite school activities was the exchanging of Valentine cards. I remember taking the whole process very serious and held on to my list of class names like a prized possession. I would choose the perfect box of Valentines and then spend quite some time choosing just the right card for each classmate. After all, I didn’t want to send the wrong message to some of those boys in class. I was one of those kids who was easily embarrassed by the “Do you like me? Check the box for yes or no” letters.
Ever read, Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink? I can so relate to Gilbert’s dilemma in this one. After receiving a Valentine depicting an Eskimo kiss from a boy in third grade–who was actually in another class and shouldn’t have given me a Valentine to begin with–I was doubly careful about such things.
Free Valentine Card Printables
As a teacher, and, now as a mom, I still love the Valentine card exchange. Over the years, my boys have had some really cool Valentines and like their mom, they took the whole Valentine card ritual pretty serious, too. So I’ve created a few fun ones to share with you that you can print and use for yourself.
These are far better than the ones I gave out years ago. And these are even great for older family members and other friends who deserve a little fun this Valentine’s Day, too.
Feel free to print out any of these cards and attach them to your favorite Valentine toys and trinkets, or other treats for a sweet surprise.
Valentine with Glasses
Just clip this Valentine card to a snack size bag containing a pair of inexpensive ‘party favor’ type glasses.
Pixy Stix Valentine
Remember those colorful straws that were filled with flavored sugar? Here’s an idea using those Pixy Stix for a Valentine treat, too.
ABC Valentine Printable
With this Valentine Alphabet printable, you can share with your family all the things you love.
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