Who else hates a disorganized refrigerator? Now you can keep a clean and organized fridge forever! Just use these simple tips to make it super easy.
Here’s the thing. My fridge doesn’t really get that bad that often. I have a house full of hungry people, and so what I do store in our refrigerator gets eaten pretty quick anyway.
However, there are times when my fridge is loaded down with leftovers and extra produce. And there’ve been times when a head of lettuce has been buried and forgotten for who knows how long where I’ve not used things quick enough and my fruits and vegetables went to waste.
Lately, too, my husband and I have been using our NutriBullet more often. We’ve been trying to keep plenty of fruits and vegetables on hand to make at least one nutritious blend everyday, which means our fridge stays packed with all this produce.
So I decided I needed to make a couple of adjustments to make sure we keep a clean and organized fridge forever. That way, we actually use all those things without throwing away our hard earned money. (And yes, I am LOVING our new Produce Saver Food Storage Set. It is awesome!!)
>>Check out our Simple Storage Ideas to Organize Your Kitchen Right Now!<<
Keep an Organized Clean Fridge Forever!
You can easily keep your refrigerator clean and organized by following these simple steps.
1. Wipe Down Weekly
The first thing is to schedule a weekly wipe down of shelves and drawers. As you removing everything from the refrigerator, take a quick look at expiration dates and toss any leftovers or food that has spoiled or expired.
Make sure to wipe down all of the jars and bottles, too, as you place them back into the refrigerator. That way, everything is clean and in its own place.
2. Take Inventory
While you’re wiping everything down each week, you can also take a mental note of what you already have in the fridge and what needs to be used as soon as possible. That way, when you head to the store that week, you’ll save money and time on meal planning, too.
3. Divide and Conquer Your Fridge Space
The next thing you’ll need to do is divide and conquer. Group items together and see what you really use your refrigerator space for. I know there are suggestions on exactly where to store meat and where to store your dairy.
However, I’ve found those suggestions don’t always work for us. We’re all different in what we eat and how we use the space, so you’ll first need to just decide what’s most convenient for your family.
4. Use Fridge Organizer Bins
Use those nifty containers to your advantage. There are plenty of refrigerator storage solutions to choose from, so after taking inventory of what you need to corral, find plastic bins and containers that are easy to stack and also transparent, so you can see what’s kept inside.
5. Use Refrigerator Liners
Here’s a great tip: use refrigerator liners for easy clean up. This will save tons of time avoiding all those spills and sticky shelves each week. There are some fabulous patterns nowadays, too, so shop around and find one that’s stylish. Most of all, make sure it’s super easy to wash off, too.
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