Does your online space need a little spruce up? Here are some quick and easy tips to clean up your online presence that will help you stay organized, keep your focus, and reach your goals.
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The weather is warming, the tree outside my window is blooming, and I’m feeling the need for a little spring cleaning–around my online space. One look at my inbox and you’d totally agree.
Our online presence can push our work forward and help us work productively or it can consume us and cause us to completely waste our time.
Here’s a few ways to Spring Clean your Online Space!
A Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your Online Space
#1 Sweep Your Inbox and Get Rid of Junk Mail
Your inbox is the online hub that never sleeps. Read, respond, and trash emails until your inbox is empty.
Print and file or move to another location any emails you need to save. A daily sweep of your inbox will keep you from cluttering up this ever-growing space.
Are you deleting dozens of emails without a second glance? Sift through email subscriptions and unsubscribe to the ones you never read. This step alone could drastically de-clutter your online space to clear a path for more urgent emails that need your attention today.
#2 Polish Your Profile
When is the last time you’ve checked out your own profile on Google+ or LinkedIn?
Update your interests and achievements and remove outdated links or any content that doesn’t reflect the image you’re trying to convey.
Flip through photo galleries to check for unwanted tags, synchronize your networks, and make sure your latest projects are up front and visible.
Create a cohesive profile to consistently share your message across all social media sites, including the same profile photo, logo, and tagline.
#3 Spruce Up Your Social Networks
Have your connections changed recently? As our ministry grows and develops, so do our interests, needs, and goals.
What are the goals you have for your online ministry?
Are your social network connections helping or hindering your personal development and your ministry’s reach?
Sift through your accounts to disconnect where your information isn’t relevant and find new connections in groups and circles where you can learn, grow, and help others who are working within the same field or toward the same goals. Devote your time online where it counts, networking with those who motivate and encourage, and communicating with readers who need encouragement and motivation from you.
#4 Sort Through Your Plug-ins
I’m the world’s worst at plug-in updates. Once I’ve activated a plug-in and it seems to be in working order, I forget about it and let it do what it’s designed to do.
Though plug-ins are great and enhance our websites, they can really slow down your site’s load time and response. Set aside some time to assess your plug-ins. Deactivate plug-ins you only use occasionally and delete those you’ll never use again. Keep your plug-ins updated so that you can make the most of their capabilities to keep your site running smooth and loading as quick as possible.
#5 Repurpose and Reuse Forgotten Posts
How many valuable posts have been forgotten? Check your Google Analytics and you may be surprised how others have found you. Notice the keywords and phrases your readers are searching as well as those high-ranked posts you’ve forgotten.
Dust off a popular post by refreshing its look with a new image, updating its links, and adding new information to optimize its reach and potential. These evergreen posts are just the type of posts your readers are looking for.
#6 Keep at it
After clearing the clutter and organizing your online space, squeeze in a little time each week to stay on top of these hot spots that can easily consume us. That way, you can spend your time online networking with your readers, learning from others within your social networks, and building an online ministry to fill the need and change the world.
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Oh, I need to do most of these! Especially updating and being consistent everywhere. It’s not easy finding time to do these but, in the end, they’re time savers and well worth the work.
Thanks for the advice, Mitzi. Your posts are always full of good info.
I’ve been spending a lot of time cleaning up old articles on my blog. My look has changed over the last 4 years and those first ones need editing, new pictures, consistent logos, etc. It’s a great feeling getting them all with a consistent look!