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Hey moms! Need a pick me up? Here’s the secret to a motivating morning to ready you to tackle even the busiest of days.
Want to know a secret?
I love mornings. I know, crazy, right? I’m a busy mom with tons to do and usually sleep deprived from worrying about all those things moms worry about and that infamous never-ending list of things we moms feel required to do.
Yet, I love to wake earlier than everyone else. And I’ve learned stealing a few alone time moments each morning, readies me to accomplish whatever I need to through the hustle and bustle of the rest of my day.
The secret, for me, is the coffee.
Before bed, I set the coffeepot to brew early the next morning, so when I hear the quiet click as the brewing begins, I’m more motivated to climb from bed. For me, the freshly brewed coffee signals it’s morning. It’s just the thing I need as a pick me up to set the tone for everything else.
If I go ahead and get up before everyone else, I know I’ll have a little me time. That way, I can take some time to meditate on the beautiful things we often take for granted, like the simple joy of actually enjoying that morning cup of coffee or the beautiful sound of quiet those morning moments bring.
Recently, I discovered the McCafé coffee.Have you tried it?
Made with 100% Arabica beans, its harvested from he rich soils and mountainous regions of the foremost coffee-growing areas in the world.
The aroma brewing is absolutely wonderful. And I like its smooth taste, which is one thing us coffee lovers most enjoy.
Now available at Walmart, I discovered my favorite McCafé blend down the coffee aisle. I love the premium roast as a wonderful pick me up flavor in the mornings, but I also love the lighter hazelnut variety, as an extra treat in the afternoons, too.
There are lots of options–8 awesome flavors to choose from–and they’re available in premium bags and coffee pods, too.
So if you’re needing a little pick me up in the mornings, or just need a little something extra to motivate you for the day, try a cup of joe as an early start and celebrate the beautiful to kickstart the rest of your day.
What about you?
What’s the secret to motivating your mornings? Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!
I love early mornings, too. And a hot cup of coffee or tea. I can’t have CAFFEINE but the soothing taste and warmth of decaf gives me a perfect start to my day. in the quiet, god and I can look forward to my day.
There is just something nice about waking up before the kids, and getting the morning going without a crazy rush taking place. I find the rest of the day just falls into place if I can get that minute or two (even just awake in bed by myself) before I hear those size little feet galloping into my room (yes, I believe they gallop!). Thanks for sharing how you enjoy McCafé in the mornings and afternoons! #client