College Dorm Room Supplies : Looking for college supplies for your student’s dorm room? Here’s how we saved TONS to get everything our son needed for his college dorm room, plus a few splurges, too.
College Dorm Room Supplies
Last year when my son graduated from high school, I was worried about how we would be able to purchase everything he needed for living away from home. There were so many extra expenses already that we hadn’t planned for when it came time for college. Sure, we were prepared for college tuition and the big expense for his textbooks, but there were all these other extras that kept coming up throughout the summer as we prepared for that first semester away from home.
He had been accepted to his dream school, which happens to be six hours away from us. Yes, this mama was a wreck over that one already. So between high school graduation and this new way of life with my son living so far away, this financial burden just added so much more stress on what was already super stressful.
Throw a College Dorm Shower
That’s why I am so thankful that my mom decided to throw my son a college dorm shower. Yep, that’s right. Just like a baby shower, housewarming, or bridal shower, we threw a college dorm shower so that my family could help out by giving a few of those college dorm room supplies.
Thankfully, my son left for college last year with everything he needed. The family was so generous that he received every single thing he had on his wish list and was so grateful for all their support as he started this new journey six hours away from us.
The best part about the college dorm shower was that it really celebrated my son’s accomplishment. Being accepted to his dream school was a big deal to him, and by taking an evening to throw him his own shower to provide all those college dorm room supplies, my family showed that it mattered to them, too.
That night, after the shower was over and all those gifts were piled in our living room, he beamed with excitement. He said it was better than Christmas and couldn’t wait for his first day when he would finally move into his dorm room and could put all those gifts to good use.
As a stressed out overly emotional wreck of a mama, I was relieved. This was such a huge financial burden lifted off of us. And, of course, his college roommates were also super excited that night when he called them, too. Seriously, the kid had all the college dorm room essentials. I am still amazed at how much they all gave.
The items from the image above can be purchased on Amazon.
Bed in a Bag Twin XL (Assorted Styles)
Throw Your Own College Dorm Shower
If you have a family member or a friend heading off to college for the first time, consider gathering a few family and friends to throw a college dorm shower. Just designate a night or an afternoon to gather everyone with a few finger foods, maybe a bowl of punch, and celebrate.
My son went online and created a wish list beforehand to make it super easy for our family to purchase something he needed. There were items from every price point, too, so that no one felt like they had to buy anything too expensive because he really just appreciated that they were all so willing to contribute.
It’s a great way to show your love and support and will certainly help out that mom and dad, too.
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