Heading back to school? Written Reality has you covered. Here’s an awesome list of resources to give your kids a great start Back to School this year with lots of family fun ideas and quick and easy tips for moms on the go.
5 Steps to Stop the People Pleasing
For any of us trying to build an online ministry, we know all too well the struggle with people pleasing. Christianity is not a private affair. My responsibility to Christ reaches past the relationship between the two of us. It pushes me out into the community to build relationships with everyone else. That’s where I struggle. I […]
Bible Study: Will there be enough time at last?
[from the archives–updated post]I once watched a Twilight Zone episode about a sole survivor of some sort of catastrophic event. The story shows the shocked, confused–and seemingly suicidal–man wandering through town trying to make sense of what’s happened. That is, until he reaches the library. Though scattered throughout the rubble, there are enough books still intact to keep […]
Wrestling with Forgiveness?
Pulling from her own past struggles with faith and forgiveness– Romantic Suspense Author Lisa Carter spins a story filled with betrayal, abandonment, and plenty of suspense in her new release–Carolina Reckoning. What’s it all about? Alison Monaghan wasn’t surprised by what she found in her husband’s coat pocket . . . until […]
Friendship Appointments and Time with Friends
How do we make time for friends when we barely have time for ourselves? My friend and I decided to make a friendship appointment each month for lunch. Otherwise, we’ll miss out on time together. Both of us have hectic, full schedules creating plenty of excuses to keep our lives too busy for time with […]
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are? Or rather the question should be: Who determines who you are? So often as Christian women, we struggle with insecurities and lack of confidence–everywhere. –In the workplace, we sometimes feel the need to compare ourselves and compete. –In the home, we often feel invisible or unappreciated. –And even at […]
When Delight Digs Deeper
Life changed for me when I found delight in my Creator. I’d always loved God–for His blessings, His provisions, and His ultimate sacrifice. When I finally grasped the reality of His love for me, I began a gradual change. But the transformation was slow, and at times even painful. I found myself searching God’s Word […]
Oh, the THINKS that we think!
We live in a world filled with all sorts of evil and wrongdoings. Even if we aren’t participating, our minds are working–and absorbing every experience and event. We see, hear, and remember. Our day to day routines are packed tight with words, attitudes, and the things of life that our mind is constantly tucking away. […]
The Secret to Joy in Every Moment
Ever feel like your life’s a roller coaster of highs and lows? One minute you’re soaring in success–then with just a quick jolt–you dip into a dark pit of despair. Even as a Christian, I experienced life as an amusement ride. For many years, I sat buckled in my own rickety cart, reaching for joy in […]
Numbers to Live By
I recently read a great article (“Numbers to Live By” by Stacey Colino RealSimple) providing valuable information about key numbers–blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass, etc.–for better health. The numbers were targets for ideal levels within your body to keep it running at its best. I admit I haven’t always been the greatest at keeping up […]
Seeking the Privilege Without the Sacrifice
I sought the privilege without the sacrifice. My dad was dying, but I refused to see it. At first, the oxygen tank he carried made it easier for him to go about doing the things he’d always done. Though alarming, the extra backpack became a comforting joke as I watched him strap it to his […]
Freethinking is Not What You Think
Freethinker- one who forms opinions on the basis of reason, independent of authority or tradition, esp. one whose religious opinions differ from established belief (Random House Webster’s College Dictionary, 1991). The world promotes the freethinker. Is there really such a thing? We like the freedom to think whatever we want to think. But is freethinking […]
Cherry Bites Recipe
Looking for a sweet treat that only requires a couple of ingredients and is quick and easy to serve? At the Smith House, we love a sweet treat after dinner. My husband claims I’ve spoiled my boys to expect it, but I’m actually the one who loves a little something sweet after our meal to […]
Our Hope for Transformation is Found Where Love Abounds
I never knew the transforming power of love until God’s transformation taught me how to love myself. For most of my life, I felt guarded. No one gave me a reason. Sure, I’ve experienced rejection and betrayal and plenty of times when I’ve been left out. But my protective boundaries were built by my own […]
7 Gifts of Truth Everyone is Seeking
Why do we push the boundaries? Our world creates such distortions, it’s difficult to find anything real. Yet, we often push the boundaries to connect within it. We keep truth quiet in the name of peace until our silence creates our own world war. [tweetable] We set aside truth in the name of tolerance until […]
The Summer I Kicked the Bucket
Today’s marks the official FIRST DAY OF SUMMER. Moms everywhere are grabbing their guilt-ridden pencils to scratch out a Bucket List of Summer Fun. I get it. I’ve been there–and done that. But after almost killing myself to provide the perfect Summer Vacation, I learned our family needs a summer filled with less doing and […]
5 Lessons From the Words of My Father
Lesson #1: Words Hold Power I inherited my love for words from Daddy. He wasn’t a writer, though his penmanship was the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Daddy was a storyteller. And when he spun a tale (he could stretch a tall one), people stopped to listen. With only a word, a loud, crowded room would […]